23. Januar 2018
Vorlage Testbericht

In meinem Beruf muss ich viele Tests in der Hardwareentwicklung durchführen.

Über die Jahre haben wir meiner Meinung nach eine ziemlich gute Vorlage für unsere Testberichte erarbeitet.

Diese habe ich auf ein einfaches Textformat vereinfacht, um nur die Struktur und die benötigten Informationen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Das Design muss jeder für sich festlegen oder den Firmenanforderungen anpassen, so wie Kopf- und Fußzeile, Firmenlogo, Schriftart usw.

Wer also den Bedarf eines strukturierten Dokuments für seine Hardware-Tests hat, bitteschön:


= Test Report [Test Scope]

== General

Project Name:           ____
Device under Test:      ____ [name of PCB/item]
Test Subject:           ____ [tested component/functional block]
Maturity Level:         ____ [e.g. prototype, series sample]

Test Operator:          ____ [who performed this test]
Test Date:              ____ [when was this test done]

Responsible Developer:  ____ [who designed this, who can be asked]
Reviewer/Approver:      ____ [who decides that this report is good]

Test Catalog:           ____ [where is this test defined/tracked]
Schematics:             ____ [where is the documentation for this PCB]
Document ID/Revision:   ____ [what is the number of this document for tracking]

== Test Summary

|| Component         || Test Case       || Test ID           || Rating ||
| System component A | Test Case Name 1 | Test Case Number 1 | rating  |
| System component A | Test Case Name 2 | Test Case Number 2 | rating  |
| System component B | Test Case Name 3 | Test Case Number 3 | rating  |
| System component B | Test Case Name n | Test Case Number n | rating  |

Values for rating: PASSED, FAILED
  additional possibilities: SKIPPED, BLOCKED, RUNNING

== General Test Setup

=== Device Under Test

Device Name:    ____
Version:        ____
Ser.No.:        ____

=== Test Equipment

[What actual equipment was used performing this test.]

|| Ref. || Function     || Manufacturer and Type   || Inventory No. ||
|  TE1  |  Power Supply |  Some Power Man, PSU0815 |  4711          |
|  TE2  |  Multimeter   |  Some Meter Man, MULT007 |  4712          |
|  TE3  |  Oscilloscope |  Some Scope Man, OSC3004 |  4004          |

=== Board Bring-Up

* First action to prepare the test
* second action to prepare the test
* n-th action

== Test Protocol

=== Bug List
|| Bug No. || Bug Description            || Bugfix                    || Severity   || Fixed in Version  ||
|  1       |  Bug 1 description          | short bugfix description,  |  bug rating |  fixed version No. |
|          |  link to bug tracking tool  |                            |             |                    |

Suggestion for bug severity rating: Minor, Major, Critical

=== Test Case 1

==== Testing Purpose
Why is this test done, what does it show/prove?

==== Test Setup and Instructions

* Test Conditions
  - What must be done prior to successfully executing this test.

* Test Instructions
  - Step 1 [e.g. set up the output voltage of the power supply]
  - Step 2 [e.g. connect oscilloscope to the required signals]
  - Step 3 [e.g. connect additional load to circuit]
  - Step 4 [e.g. activate power supply]
  - …

==== Test Results

Table: Test Results Test Case 1

|| Description               || Test Point || Expectation     || Resu   lt     || Rating ||  Notes        ||
|  Description Test Detail 1 |  Signal 1   |  Expected result |  actual result |  rating |  optional note |
|  Description Test Detail n |  Signal n   |  Expected result |  actual result |  rating |  optional note |

(Rating values are identical to test summary ratings.)

===== Additional Test Documentation [e.g. Oscillogram Screenshots]

Additional Material

==== Conclusion

Is this test case passed?
Are there observations that need to be explained?
If needed provide explanation why test is rated passed.
What must be done to pass this test (if failed)?

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